What is Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the consent of the other person. It is a violation of a person’s body, and it can cause physical and emotional harm. Sexual assault can involve force, violence, or deception. If a person cannot or does not consent to sexual contact, it is considered sexual assault.
Examples of sexual assault include, but are not limited to:
Unwanted touching
Rape or attempted rape
Forced sexual contact
Sexual coercion
Common reactions
There is no singular response for a survivor of sexual assault; reactions can vary widely. A survivor may experience confusion, anger, guilt, and self-blame, along with feelings of mistrust, embarrassment, isolation, nightmares, anxiety, and a host of other emotional responses.
Support their choices
You can assist your friend or family member in accessing various community resources by contacting our helpline. It is essential to follow the survivor's lead and respect their choices, avoiding any pressure to make decisions they may find uncomfortable. Some survivors may not be ready to engage with law enforcement, hospitals, or rape crisis centers, and this is perfectly acceptable. It is crucial that the survivor retains control over their recovery process.
How to help a friend
What to say - Being supportive and accepting is critical.
You can say:
I believe you
I’m sorry this happened to you
It is not your fault
Thank you for telling me
Women’s Center of Jacksonville — womenscenterofjax.org — 904-722-3000
Serves: Duval County
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network — rainn.org — 800-656-4673
Serves: Nationally
FCASV: Florida Council Against Sexual Violence — fcasv.org — 888-956-7273
Serves: Florida
1 in 6 — 1in6.org — 1-877-628-1466