All services are free and confidential.

24/7 Crisis Helpline 904-284-0061

Learn about our Sexual Assault services

  • A 24/7 helpline to provide immediate crisis intervention.  A trained advocate will answer to assist your needs.  All calls are confidential with non-judgmental support. 904-284-0061

  • A prompt response during a personal crisis from a trained advocate can significantly enhance understanding of trauma and improve coping skills. This support is facilitated through the services provided by Quigley House and other community resources.

  • The trained advocate will respond promptly and, if necessary, provide relevant information and referrals. Information regarding community resources, emergency shelter, court accompaniment, and victim compensation will be made available.

  • An advocacy or accompaniment serves as a support to individual survivors, assisting them with legal and medical needs. This service additionally includes providing ongoing support during forensic examinations, law enforcement interviews, and throughout the criminal justice process. Advocates address any questions or concerns the survivor may have.

  • To effectively educate our community about the services offered by Quigley House and the dynamics of sexual assault, we actively participate in various Clay County events, including health fairs and local festivals. Additionally, we conduct individual group presentations for churches, businesses, schools, and other organizations. Our primary objective is to ensure that every member of Clay County has access to vital information regarding the prevention of and response to sexual assault.

  • Quigley House will provide care coordination for the survivors, by establishing a relationship with other agencies to best support survivors. 

  • Advocates of Quigley House are dedicated to educating the community about the prevention of sexual violence through social change. We acknowledge that this subject can be challenging to discuss; however, it is essential for empowering survivors to advocate for themselves and support others. Quigley House provides presentations and events for schools and local organizations, with the goal of promoting awareness and prevention education.

  • The on-call advocates are available 24/7 for survivors aged 13 and older who require therapeutic mediation and sexual assault forensic evidence collection. Quigley House employs Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) who work diligently and compassionately with each survivor to ensure a comfortable and thorough examination, accompanied by an advocate. These examinations are conducted in a manner that safeguards the survivor from re-victimization and adhere to the Attorney General’s Protocol, following established chain of custody regulations.

How to help a friend

What to say - Being supportive and accepting is critical.

You can say:  

  • I believe you                       

  • I’m sorry this happened to you        

  • It is not your fault                       

  • Thank you for telling me

Common reactions

There is no singular response for a survivor of sexual assault; reactions can vary widely. A survivor may experience confusion, anger, guilt, and self-blame, along with feelings of mistrust, embarrassment, isolation, nightmares, anxiety, and a host of other emotional responses.

Support their choices

You can assist your friend or family member in accessing various community resources by contacting our helpline. It is essential to follow the survivor's lead and respect their choices, avoiding any pressure to make decisions they may find uncomfortable. Some survivors may not be ready to engage with law enforcement, hospitals, or rape crisis centers, and this is perfectly acceptable. It is crucial that the survivor retains control over their recovery process.